chat_topic Table (330)
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This table contains chat topics.
Name | Description | Type | Null |
id | The primary key (auto-incremented) | PK | |
description | The descriptiong for this topic. | String(255) | ● |
language_id | The reference to the associated customer language. NULL or -1 if not set. | FK cust_lang | ● |
welcome_message | The welcome message sent to the customer when the chat session starts. | Clob | ● |
last_accept | The last time a session was accepted from the inside for this topic. | DateTime | ● |
seconds_pr_accept | The average number of seconds per accept for this topic. | Int | ● |
alert_timeout | The number of seconds for an unanswered session before we alert | Int | ● |
alert_template | The reply template to use for alerting | Int | ● |
alert_recipient | The recipient(s) for the alert template | String(255) | ● |
flags | Flags for this topic: show popup alert?, collect consent first?, use custom message? | Enum ChatTopicFlag | ● |
name | The name of this chat topic | String(255) | ● |
badge_header | The badge header of the chat topic | String(255) | ● |
warning_new_chat | Contains the user notify time in minutes | Int | ● |
manager_warning_new_chat | Contains the manager notify time in minutes | Int | ● |
widget_theme | Predefined themes for the chat widget | Enum WidgetTheme | ● |
widget_color | The base color of the widget | String(16) | ● |
widget_font | The font used in the widget | String(64) | ● |
widget_show_logo | Indicates if the logo should be shown in the widget | Bool | ● |
widget_show_agent_photo | Use agent photo and name when chatting | Bool | ● |
widget_welcome_title | Short welcome message when user initiates a chat | String(255) | ● |
widget_welcome_message | Short message displayed as long as the request is in queue or active | String(255) | ● |
widget_offline_header | Offline text shown in widget header | String(255) | ● |
widget_offline_message | Offline message shown in widget | String(1024) | ● |
widget_enable_ticket | Enable ticket submission in offline mode | Bool | ● |
category_id | Category on ticket created from off-line request | FK ej_category | ● |
priority_id | Priority on ticket created from off-line request | FK ticket_priority | ● |
widget_offline_fields | Required field when creating ticket in offline mode | Enum WidgetRequiredFields | ● |
widget_auto_faq | Enable automatic FAQ suggestions | Bool | ● |
kb_category_id | Root folder for FAQ suggestions | FK kb_category | ● |
widget_pre_form | Enable pre-chat form for anonymous users | Bool | ● |
widget_pre_message | Message to be shown in a pre-chat | String(1024) | ● |
widget_required_fields | Fields required to start a chat | Enum WidgetRequiredFields | ● |
widget_post_form | Enable post chat form | Bool | ● |
widget_post_header | Header text to show in post chat form | String(255) | ● |
widget_post_message | Message text to show in post chat form | String(1024) | ● |
widget_post_transcript | Enable transcript of chat session | Bool | ● |
widget_language | The language ISO code for the widget language | String(63) | ● |
use_opening_hours | Whether to use opening hours or not. | Bool | ● |
tzLocationId | Timezone used for the start/stop times for this topic. | FK TZLocation | ● |
mon_enabled | Whether open on Mondays. | Bool | ● |
mon_start | When opening hours start on Mondays. Only time-part is used. | DateTime | ● |
mon_stop | When opening hours stop on Mondays. Only time-part is used. | DateTime | ● |
tue_enabled | Whether open on Tuesdays. | Bool | ● |
tue_start | When opening hours start on Tuesdays. Only time-part is used. | DateTime | ● |
tue_stop | When opening hours stop on Tuesdays. Only time-part is used. | DateTime | ● |
wed_enabled | Whether open on Wednesdays. | Bool | ● |
wed_start | When opening hours start on Wednesdays. Only time-part is used. | DateTime | ● |
wed_stop | When opening hours stop on Wednesday. Only time-part is used. | DateTime | ● |
thu_enabled | Whether open on Thursdays. | Bool | ● |
thu_start | When opening hours start on Thursdays. Only time-part is used. | DateTime | ● |
thu_stop | When opening hours stop on Thursdays. Only time-part is used. | DateTime | ● |
fri_enabled | Whether open on Fridays. | Bool | ● |
fri_start | When opening hours start on Fridays. Only time-part is used. | DateTime | ● |
fri_stop | When opening hours stop on Fridays. Only time-part is used. | DateTime | ● |
sat_enabled | Whether open on Saturdays. | Bool | ● |
sat_start | When opening hours start on Saturdays. Only time-part is used. | DateTime | ● |
sat_stop | When opening hours stop on Saturdays. Only time-part is used. | DateTime | ● |
sun_enabled | Whether open on Sundays. | Bool | ● |
sun_start | When opening hours start on Sundays. Only time-part is used. | DateTime | ● |
sun_stop | When opening hours stop on Sundays. Only time-part is used. | DateTime | ● |
custom_queue_text | A text to be used in the queue message in the chat widget. Usage is controlled by the flags field, bit number 3 | String(255) | ● |
bot_enabled | Enable chatbot on this topic. Run the trigger scripts on bot events. | Bool | ● |
bot_name | Chatbot name | String(80) | ● |
bot_register_scriptid | Script id to register/unregister chatbot. 0 if there is no bot | FK ejscript | ● |
bot_session_created_scriptid | Script id to run on new session. | FK ejscript | ● |
bot_session_changed_scriptid | Script id to run when session state changes. | FK ejscript | ● |
bot_message_received_scriptid | Script id to run when new messages received from customer. | FK ejscript | ● |
use_lunch_hours | Whether to use lunch hours or not. | Bool | ● |
lunch_start | When opening hours starts for lunch. Only time-part is used. | DateTime | ● |
lunch_stop | When opening hours stops for lunch. Only time-part is used. | DateTime | ● |
widget_agent_use_firstname | Whether to use the firstname of the agent in the chat widget. | Bool | ● |
warning_chat_message | Contains the user notify time in minutes for new chat messages | Int | |
manager_warning_chat_message | Contains the manager notify time in minutes for new chat messages | Int | |
offline_form_time_limit | The number of minutes in the queue before the offline form is available | Int | ● |
offline_form_queue_length | The number of customers in the queue before the offline form is available | Int | ● |
widget_enable_rating | Setting this to true will enable rating support in the chat widget | Bool | ● |
widget_rating_text | The text to be displayed in the widget next to the rating stars | String(1024) | ● |
widget_badge_color | Optional color for chat widget badge | String(16) | ● |
widget_badge_text_color | Optional color for chat widget badge text | String(16) | ● |
widget_cust_msg_color | Optional color for chat widget customer message | String(16) | ● |
widget_cust_msg_text_color | Optional color for chat widget customer message text | String(16) | ● |
widget_agent_msg_color | Optional color for chat widget agent message | String(16) | ● |
widget_agent_msg_text_color | Optional color for chat widget agent message text | String(16) | ● |
widget_font_size | Optional size for chat widget font | String(16) | ● |
widget_button_color | Optional color for chat widget button | String(16) | ● |
widget_button_text_color | Optional color for chat widget button text | String(16) | ● |
Fields | Types | Description |
id | PK | Clustered, Unique |
language_id | FK | Index |
Table | Description |
chat_session | This table contains chat sessions. |
chat_topic_user | This table connected the chat topics with the users (i.e. the membership). |
cust_lang | This table contains entries for customer languages. |
ej_category | This table contains categories, in which tickets are categorized. The categories are organized in a hierarchial manner. |
ejscript | ejscript |
kb_category | Knowledge base folder hierarchy |
notify | This table contains the pop-up messages displayed for users for various events, such as 'new ticket', etc. |
ticket_priority | This table contains the ticket priorities. |
TZLocation | Time zone location |
Replication Flags
- None
Security Flags
- No access control via user's Role.