Enum Navigation
Value for the navigation field in table externalapplication
Name | Description |
Invisible | This application has no explicit navigation in GUI |
ToolboxMenu | This application appears in the list of the Toolbox icon in the CRM5 Navigator sidebar |
NavigatorButton | This application has its own navigator button (remember to set icon resource) |
ViewMenu | This application appears in the View pulldown menu |
SelectionTaskCard | (not yet implemented) This application appears as a Task in the Selection Task card |
ContactCard | This application (type IntegratedHTML or IntegratedURL) appears as a tab on the Contact card |
ContactArchive | This application (type IntegratedHTML or IntegratedURL) appears as a tab on the Contact Archive |
ProjectCard | This application (type IntegratedHTML or IntegratedURL) appears as a tab on the Project card |
ProjectArchive | This application (type IntegratedHTML or IntegratedURL) appears as a tab on the Project Archive |
SaleCard | This application (type IntegratedHTML or IntegratedURL) appears as a tab in the Sale dialog |
PersonCard | This application (type IntegratedHTML or IntegratedURL) appears as a tab in the Person Card |
ActivityDialog | This application (type IntegratedHTML or IntegratedURL) appears as a tab in the Appointment dialog |
DocumentDialog | This application (type IntegratedHTML or IntegratedURL) appears as a tab in the Document dialog |
BrowserPanel | In the Browser panel |
ContSelectionTask | Task button visible on the Contact Selection task panel |
AppntSelectionTask | Task button visible on the Appointment Selection task panel |
SaleSelectionTask | Task button visible on the Sale Selection task panel |
DocSelectionTask | Task button visible on the Document Selection task panel |
ProjSelectionTask | Task button visible on the Project Selection task panel |
CompanyMinicard | In company minicard |
ProjectMinicard | In project minicard |
DiaryMinicard | In diary minicard |
SelectionMinicard | In selection minicard |
ButtonPanelTask | In the main ButtonBar |
AppointmentDialogTask | In the appointment dialog |
SaleDialogTask | In the sale dialog |
DocumentDialogTask | In the document dialog |
PersonDialogTask | In the person dialog |
SaleMinicard | In the sale minicard |
SaleArchive | In the sale archive |
AppntSelectionShadowTask | Task tab for appointment selection, while showing shadow sel |
SaleSelectionShadowTask | Task tab for sale selection, while showing shadow sel |
DocSelectionShadowTask | Task tab for document selection, while showing shadow sel |
ProjSelectionShadowTask | Task tab for project selection, while showing shadow sel |
DiaryArchive | Context (popup) menu in Diary archive |
SelectionContactArchive | Context (popup) menu in Contact selection |
SelectionProjectArchive | Context (popup) menu in Project archive |
SelectionSaleArchive | Context (popup) menu in Sale archive |
SelectionAppointmentArchive | Context (popup) menu in Appointment archive |
SelectionDocumentArchive | Context (popup) menu in Document archive |
ContSelectionCustomTask | Task card in Contact selection, when a custom archive is shown |
AppntSelectionCustomTask | Task card in Appointment selection, when a custom archive is shown |
SaleSelectionCustomTask | Task card in Sale selection, when a custom archive is shown |
DocSelectionCustomTask | Task card in Document selection, when a custom archive is shown |
ProjSelectionCustomTask | Task card in Project selection, when a custom archive is shown |
CustomArchiveMiniCard | ? |
SelectionCard | ? |
ReportMinicard | In the Reporter panel minicard, so far only in Web |
QuoteDialog | Value for the navigation field in table externalapplication |
QuoteDialogTask | Value for the navigation field in table externalapplication |
QuoteDialogArchive | Value for the navigation field in table externalapplication |
QuoteLineDialogTask | Value for the navigation field in table externalapplication |
QuoteLineDialog | Value for the navigation field in table externalapplication |
QuoteLineSelectionMainTask | Value for the navigation field in table externalapplication |
QuoteLineSelectionShadowTask | Value for the navigation field in table externalapplication |
SelectionQuoteLineArchive | Value for the navigation field in table externalapplication |
QuoteLineSelectionCustomTask | Value for the navigation field in table externalapplication |
FindSystem | Value for the navigation field in table externalapplication |
MailingSelectionTask | Task button visible on the Mailing Selection task panel |
ContactSelectionMailingsTask | Task button visible on the Mailing Selection task panel |
AppointmentSelectionMailingsTask | Task button visible on the Mailing Selection task panel |
SaleSelectionMailingsTask | Task button visible on the Mailing Selection task panel |
DocumentSelectionMailingsTask | Task button visible on the Mailing Selection task panel |
ProjectSelectionMailingsTask | Task button visible on the Mailing Selection task panel |
QuoteLineSelectionMailingsTask | Task button visible on the Mailing Selection task panel |
TopPanelNewMenu | Visible in top panels new menu |
Dashboard | Dashboard panel |
PersonArchive | This application (type IntegratedHTML or IntegratedURL) appears as a tab in the Person Archive |
PersonMinicard | In the person minicard |
CompanyCardTask | In the company card, task button |
ProjectCardTask | In the project card, task button |
TicketCard | This application (type IntegratedHTML or IntegratedURL) appears as a tab in the Request card |
TicketMinicard | In the ticket minicard |