CRMScript assignment operators
The assignment operators store a value in a variable (on the left side of the operator).
The standard assignment operator is =
Also, CRMScript has operators that combine an arithmetic operation with the assignment for a more compact notation.
Operator | Description | Same as |
+= | add and assign | x = x + 2 |
-= | subtract and assign | x = x - 2 |
CRMScript arithmetic operators
The arithmetic operators do math with numbers, either Integer or Float.
Operator | Description |
+ | add |
- | subtract |
* | multiply |
/ | divide |
% | reminder |
++ | increment |
-- | decrement |
CRMScript string operators
The +
operator concatenates 2 strings.
String text1 = "Super";
String text2 = "Office";
String fullText = text1 + text2;
The result of fullText will be SuperOffice.
The +=
operator appends the right-side string to the left-side variable.
fullText += " AS";
This will change our existing string to SuperOffice AS.
CRMScript comparison operators
Comparison operators are used to test for true or false. They are typically used in conditional statements: you compare 2 values and the result determines what happens next.
Operator | Description |
== | equal |
!= | not equal |
< | less than |
> | greater than |
<= | less than or equal |
>= | greater than or equal |
CRMScript logical operators
The logical operators are commonly used with boolean values and variables (Bool).
Operator | Description | Use |
&& | logical AND | expr1 && expr2 |
| | logical OR | expr1 | expr2 |
! | logical NOT | !expr |
Operator precedence
CRMScript operators follow the same precedence as in mathematics. For example, multiplication is done before addition.
Operators at the same precedence level are evaluated left-to-right. If you want to group expressions, use parentheses to specify the resolution.
Integer x = 5 + 2 * 3;
Integer y = ( 5 + 2 ) * 3;
In this example, x is 11 while y is 21. The only difference between the assignment statements being the parentheses.