Services88 Configuration SOAP
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• 1 minute to read
SOAP request and response examples, and WSDL files for Remote/Services88/Configuration.svc
Handled by the
Download WSDL file for Services88/Configuration if you need to generate your own proxy code.
- ClearConfigurationCache
- CreateDefaultConfigurableScreenDelta
- CreateDefaultDiaryViewEntity
- CreateDefaultSystemEventEntity
- DeleteConfigurableScreenDelta
- DeleteDiaryViewEntity
- DeleteSystemEventEntity
- DeleteWindowPosSize
- ExistsSystemEvent
- GetAllFeatureToggles
- GetAnyConfiguration
- GetApplicationConfiguration
- GetConfigurableScreenDelta
- GetConfigurableScreenDeltasByDelta
- GetConfigurableScreenDeltasByQuery
- GetCRMUrl
- GetCSAuthUrl
- GetCsCgiUrlInternal
- GetCsProgramUrl
- GetCSRegistryValue
- GetCSWwwFolder
- GetCustomerUrl
- GetDiaryViewEntity
- GetEmailNumberOfDays
- GetEMarketingUrl
- GetFilterList
- GetHelpDispatcherUrl
- GetMyWindowPosSizes
- GetObjectMapping
- GetPageConfiguration
- GetRecipeAppliesToMappings
- GetRefreshedPageConfiguration
- GetScreenConfigurationDelta
- GetScreenConfigurationDeltas
- GetSpfDomain
- GetSystemEventEntity
- GetWindowPosSize
- GetWindowPosSizeList
- GetWindowPosSizesOnAssociateId
- GetWindowPosSizesOnPersonId
- GetWwwUrl
- GetWwwUrlForSMWeb
- RebuildUdefDeltas
- RebuildWebpanelDeltas
- SaveAndPublish
- SaveConfigurableScreenDelta
- SaveDiaryViewEntity
- SaveSystemEventEntity
- SaveWindowPosSize
- SaveWindowPosSizes
- SetAppliesToKey