POST Agents/Webhook/CreateDefaultWebhook
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POST /api/v1/Agents/Webhook/CreateDefaultWebhook
Set default values into a new Webhook.
NetServer calculates default values on the entity, which is required when creating/storing a new instance
Online Restricted: ## The Webhook agent is not available in Online by default. Access must be requested specifically when app is registered.
Request Headers
Parameter Name | Description |
Authorization | Supports 'Basic', 'SoTicket' and 'Bearer' schemes, depending on installation type. |
X-XSRF-TOKEN | If not using Authorization header, you must provide XSRF value from cookie or hidden input field |
Accept | Content-type(s) you would like the response in: application/json , text/json , application/xml , text/xml , application/json-patch+json , application/merge-patch+json |
Accept-Language | Convert string references and multi-language values into a specified language (iso2) code. |
SO-Language | Convert string references and multi-language values into a specified language (iso2) code. Overrides Accept-Language value. |
SO-Culture | Number, date formatting in a specified culture (iso2 language) code. Partially overrides SO-Language/Accept-Language value. Ignored if no Language set. |
SO-TimeZone | Specify the timezone code that you would like date/time responses converted to. |
SO-AppToken | The application token that identifies the partner app. Used when calling Online WebAPI from a server. |
Response | Description |
200 | OK |
Response body: Webhook
Property Name | Type | Description |
WebhookId | int32 | Primary Key. Unique id for this webhook. |
Name | string | Name to identify this webhook. Does not have to be unique. |
Events | array | Array of event names that trigger this webhook: ['contact.created', 'sale.changed'] |
TargetUrl | string | Destination to POST event info to. URL for webhooks. Id for CRM scripts |
Secret | string | Shared secret key used for generating SHA256 HMAC signature, so that receiver can verify that call came from this server |
State | string | Webhook status - should we post events to the URL? 1=Active, 2=Stopped or 3=TooManyErrors |
Type | string | Name of plugin that handles this webhook. 'webhook' for HTTP POST notifications, 'crmscript' for script invocations. |
Headers | object | Custom HTTP Headers to add to webhook requests. |
Properties | object | Custom values to inject into JSON body of webhook call. |
Registered | date-time | Registered when in UTC. |
RegisteredAssociate | Associate | The user that created the webhook. |
Updated | date-time | Last updated when in UTC. |
UpdatedAssociate | Associate | The user that last updated the webhook. |
ErrorsEmail | string | Email address to send error message to when this webhook state changes to too-many errors. |
Sample request
POST /api/v1/Agents/Webhook/CreateDefaultWebhook
Authorization: Basic dGplMDpUamUw
Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8
Accept-Language: en
Sample response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"WebhookId": 915,
"Name": "Cruickshank, Gottlieb and Cormier",
"Events": [
"TargetUrl": "",
"Secret": "molestias",
"State": "Active",
"Type": "consequatur",
"Headers": {
"Headers1": "deserunt",
"Headers2": "sed"
"Properties": {
"fieldName": {}
"Registered": "1998-03-31T03:44:53.4498657+02:00",
"RegisteredAssociate": null,
"Updated": "2011-05-09T03:44:53.4498657+02:00",
"UpdatedAssociate": null,
"ErrorsEmail": ""