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This provider name is implemented by the class
User (and system) preference settings, at all levels
Preferences have multiple sources: the userpreference table (
Supported Entities
Name | Description |
"default" | [default] |
"system" | [system] |
"database" | Database |
"group" | Group |
"user" | User |
Supported Columns
Name | Restriction | Description | OrderBy |
sectionKey | string | Section!Key | |
getAllRows | None | GetAll: Get all rows of archive - use with care, you may be fetching the whole database | |
getNoRows | None | GetNone: Do not get any rows from the archive | |
userpreferenceId | int | Database ID: The database ID of the row in the userpreference table | x |
deflevel | int | Level: The level at which the preference is defined; closest-to-the-user wins | x |
deflevelname | string | Level: The type of the preference value (string, company, yes/no etc) | x |
maxlevel | int | Max level: The maximum (closest to the user) level this preference is allowed on | x |
maxlevelname | string | Max level: The maximum (closest to the user) level this preference is allowed on | x |
ownerId | int | Owner: The owner of the preference value | x |
owner | string | Who: Who is the owner of this preference value | x |
prefsection | string | Section: The prefsection field in the database | x |
prefkey | string | Key: The prefkey field in the database | x |
prefvalue | string | Raw value: The raw value as it is in the database | x |
value | string | Value: The value of the preference | x |
GET /api/v1/archive/UserPreferences?$select=deflevelname,deflevel,maxlevelname
Authorization: Basic dGplMDpUamUw
Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8
Accept-Language: sv
See also: