SuperOffice Maintenance and Settings
The Admin client in Web is used for Sales & Marketing administration.
With SuperOffice 8 and newer all onsite customers must install the Web client to use the Maintenance and Settings client.
Available user guides
The Windows Maintenance and Settings client
Used for Windows client settings, replication, scripting, advanced import, options/SoLoader.
To distribute Windows client software from third-party vendors you may use the Options - SOLoader.
Replication with Travel, Area management, and Satellite is only available in the Windows Maintenance and Settings client.
More advanced imports to fields not available in the Web client, like to partner-defined tables created with our SODictionarySDK.
Also scripts available in the Windows client only may be enabled in the Windows Admin only.
Due to the SuperOffice 9 is distributed with the Web client only, SuperOffice Maintenance and Settings client for SuperOffice 9 contains only the Import section.