Metadata (Yaml front-matter)
While you’re editing SuperOfficeDocs, you’ll see some lines at the very top of the document with things such as uid
, topic
, locale
, and title
. These items are referred to as metadata and use Yaml key-value front-matter syntax. They help the system properly create cross-referenced hyperlinks, related content links, and they help with language/edition filtering and sorting.
The section begins and ends with 3 dashes.
#Insert front matter here
uid: join_video_meeting
title: Join a video meeting
description: There are several ways in which you can join a video meeting in SuperOffice. Learn how.
author: Tony Yates
date: 04.19.2021
keywords: video
topic: howto
envir: cloud
client: online
What to do
If you are editing a currently existing document, you won’t likely have to update much in the front matter section. Though, if you are creating a new document, please fill in as much as possible.
To get a prompt for what metadata to add, we recommend Blueprint templates for VS Code.
Before any updates get merged in the repo, the reviewers will check this section to make sure everything is good to go. One reason for reviewing this section is because the uid
(unique identifier) must be, well… unique!