About docs.superoffice.com
SuperOffice Docs
SuperOfficeDocs is an organization on GitHub used to organize all technical documentation for SuperOffice.
The combined docs come from several repositories, all of which are intuitively named to host the most relevant content. Each article in SuperOfficeDocs is available for interactivity from you the audience.
Interactive documentation
You may click on the Share button to share interesting content with like-minded folk.
You may click on the Feedback button to provide relevant feedback on specific articles.
You may click on the Edit button to suggest an improvement on the existing article content.
In addition to contributing feedback, or suggesting edits, you can clone the repository and directly contribute to the improvements of docs.superoffice.com
Contributing to SuperOfficeDocs
Follow the instructions here within these pages, or learn the basic steps for contributing to the SuperOffice Docs project on GitHub.